Coronavirus 2019 Outbreak in Iran; Travel Advice

Due to the worldwide spread of coronavirus, the past couple of weeks have been concerning for international travelers everywhere. Moreover, regarding the increased risk of human-to-human transmission of this virus in Iran, some airlines have canceled their flights to Iran.

At friendlyiran, we’re taking serious steps toward Green Tourism and we feel the social responsibility to fight against coronavirus. Therefore, to guarantee our client’s health and safety and prevent coronavirus spread, we have decided to suspend all of our tours to Iran until further notice.

Our Support Team is ready to assist any concerned foreign tourist who is now in Iran and needs help.

Contact our Agents via, 0098 917 090 6506, 0098 998 128 1125


Covid-19 Impacts on Iran Tourism and International Events:

Big changes have been made in flights’ schedules after spreading covid-19, some of the airlines have canceled their flights to Iran like Emirates, Pegasus, and Air Arabia although some others are operating some of their flights; such as Qatar Airways and Azerbaijan Airlines. Knowing the details about the exact situation needs day by day evaluation, Friendly Iran agents are ready to inform you about the required information in any possible case.

The cancellations have reached also to the tourism fairs such as ITB Berlin 2020, and people are trying to avoid mass gatherings to help the world fight against the virus as soon as possible. Fortunately, most of the cases with Covid-19 have been cured and these kinds of actions will help the rest of the people to stay clean and safe.
World Health Organization is issuing daily updates about the current situation all around the world and the Times is presenting a map including the number of sick people in each country.
Iranian cities haven’t been quarantined although travelers with any sign of sickness will be tested at the borders and quarantined if required.


A Small Thanks for All You Do, For Caring…

The healthcare system is in a sever situation these days and medical workers are struggling to save the most possible lives in the global fight against the coronavirus, they are under terrible pressure to put their own health at risk contracting this novel virus, especially in countries like Italy, Iran, China, and South Korea where there are too many patients and sometimes lack of the medicine and machines they required. Unfortunately, a significant number of health professionals have been affected while meeting the needs of patients; being in the frontline and also exhaustion are the reasons that they have high vulnerability to infection. 

There are lots of stories we hear each day about sacrifices by doctors and nurses during the fight against the novel coronavirus, too many overworks they handle, and those volunteers and unprotected forces on the front line…this is nothing but Heroism. COVID-19 may be a challenge in the following weeks, but we hope that with the help of the tireless medical forces; together we’ll beat it…

Friendlyiran would like to play a very small role in this respect and organize different specific travel packages for health care workers including various discounts and extra enjoying Persian activities in the near future.

thanks to healthcare system during coronavirus spread

Based on CDC (Center for disease control and prevention) all nonessential travels in Iran must be avoided.

Iran is generally a safe travel destination. Lately as the result of Coronavirus spread over some provinces, unnecessary traveling in Iran is strongly prohibited.

Yes, in case you decide to postpone or cancel your Iran tour with friendlyIran, you will have our support to cover the cancellation expenses as much as possible.

As a result of the cancellation of numerous flights to/ from Iran, some travelers in Iran have lost their flight back home. Follow the latest flight news from Iran with FriendlyIran team and consult with them to find the best and cheapest flights.

Direct Message to FriendlyIran Agent: 0098 917 090 6506

Direct Message to FriendlyIran Agent: 0098 998 128 1125

If you have decided to travel in Iran during the Travel Health Warning (Coronavirus 2019), we suggest you take care of a few guidelines:

  • Wash your hand with soap at least every one hour. (Note: At the moment your rarely can find hand sanitizers in public shops! But don’t worry you can find Water and soap which are twice better!)
  • Avoid going to public and populated places such as city centers, metro stations, buses and etc.
  • If anyone around you is suspected to have fiber or cold symptoms keep more than 1 m distance with them.
  • Do not touch things in the public area (ex.; Door handles, cash, park benches and…) or wash your hand with soap right after.
  • Try to use dried food and cans instead of restaurants.
  • Do not touch your face, especially the eyes, nose, and lips.


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